16 November 2015

It’s day 8 of my #30DaysOfWriting for MonoGame: Code Camps. New week. New goals.

Fanny Pack’s Sprite Fonts tool isn’t 100% quite yet, and the weekend’s progress was meager by any measure. I’m giving myself another two days to get Sprite Fonts into a usable state, then the book’s text and example games are back in my crosshairs. I’ve knocked out several bug fixes in recent days, and added extra error handling to make the app more stable when things go wrong.

One of those bug fixes was in the font scraper that was unintentionally excluding 300+ fonts from the user interface. Of course, that’s exposed several fonts that aren’t browser-friendly (which the app correctly handles and flags with a nice error message).

In the interest of getting something usable online ASAP, I might postpone support for importing your own truetype fonts. But don’t worry. It’s high on my Fanny Pack priority list. It’s just not an essential feature for the book to proceed.

– Joe

P.S. If you’d like to show your support, I’d appreciate a follow on Twitter or Facebook. And don’t forget that while you’re waiting for the new book to hit the printing press, you can check out my 2015 pun book, Fauxcabulary.